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    Rogue River (2012)

    Stars: Michelle Page, Art Alexakis and Chris Coy
    Release Date: 11 May 2012
    Genre: Horror | Thriller
    Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1560978/

    While scattering her father ashes at a remote part of Oregon's beautiful Rogue River, Marra (MiCHELLE PAGE) car is towed away. Stranded, she accepts a ride from a kind passerby Jon (BILL MOSELEY).A quick detour leads to Jon cabin deep in the woods, where his wife Lea quickly capitivates Marra and convices her to spend the night.However, Marra world soon becomes a harrowing nightmare as Jon and Lea reveal their true colours and the night unfolds into a shocking and spine -chilling sequence of horrors with a climax that will leave your nervestripped bare!!!!!
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    scary in all the right ways
    I'm not sure what all the fuss is about with some of these other reviewers. I really liked this film and found it both scary and unsettling. If you are looking for a good scary movie to watch with some friends, I'd pick this up, you won't be disappointed. I don't get why some have said this film is torture porn or gratuitous either, I actually think they did a good job of building a scary scenario and really if anything holding back on showing everything in graphic detail. Bill Mosley is particularly creepy in his own mister rogers sort of way.


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